Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm a glass is 1/2 full kind of gal - who is signed up for the 1/2 . . .

The Blue and Gray 1/2 marathon that is.

So, after taking the summer off - mostly due to asthma problems and then getting my running legs back under me, it's time. Time to dust off the winter running gear and hit the road. I have had a series of great runs over the last month and feel really confident that I can get a new PR. It's time too. I ran the Marine Corps 1/2 over a year ago and had a bad day - 2 asthma attacks in the race and I thought I had injured my knee running Hospital Hill in the cold, pouring rain. Turns out my knee was just pissed that I was running in the COLD, pouring rain - duh!! I finished the race with a PR, but I knew I could run faster. Then the asthma just got worse, and I couldn't train well. I took last year off for both local 1/2's. It was disappointing, but I had a couple of bright spots. I ran the Civitan 10K, and placed 3rd in my age group - a first for me, and I ran a sub-9 pace the whole way. I set a new 5k PR, and earned a second 3rd in age group win.

Now I am ready for the next big goal: a 1:58:30 or better in the 1/2. That's a 9minute/mile or faster time for 13.1 miles. "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can".

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