Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I love spring, but Asthma Stinks

Now that the weather has warmed up again - 75 over the weekend! - I am so happy to be running outside. Except that now that all the trees are starting to bud, and the spring breezes are blowing - I can't run outside. Well, not without dying a little from my asthma.

I tell you, allergy induced asthma really stinks! Really, any and all asthma stinks! I am about ready to call my doc and switch off the singulair I've been using to (till now) successfully manage my asthma. Virginia allergens are the worst! This week even at the gym I've had to pre-medicate with my rescue inhaler - something I thought only the cold-induced asthma required. Ugh!!!! Those days that I haven't pre-medicated I've needed the inhaler mid-workout. The alternative to singulair is a steroid inhaler. I'm not thrilled to go on one of those, but I'm using my rescue inhaler quite frequently these windy spring days. Not good.

That leads me to the million dollar question everyone asks when they know I run....."Are you running the Historic Half?" That is the Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon in Fredericksburg, VA. I would LOVE to run this race. Last year, I was in the hospital with my daughter when this race had it's inauguration. This year, barring any illnesses or hospitalizations, I was really looking forward to it. Then asthma hit. Now, I don't know what to do. I am training as best I can, mostly indoors. My plan for now is train and see. My mileage is way down, and the asthma hurts that. If it gets much worse and I switch asthma meds maybe I'll be up to it. All the runners I know are registered for this. It will be like a great big party, only faster :)