Friday, February 20, 2009

If 60 is the new 40 then I still have time :)

I always thought I should run a marathon by the time I was 40. Oops. I turned 40 a few months back, and ran my first 1/2 the next month. So, I guess I missed that goal.

But now I read that 60 is the new 40. Procrastinators of the world - unite tomorrow! I have 19 more years to train and complete that first marathon. Phew!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

13.1 (December) + 13.1 (May) = 26.2 (in Less Than 12 Months)

Well, I decided to train for my second 1/2 marathon. I trained and successfully finished my first 1/2 marathon in December - The Blue and Gray 1/2 in Fredericksburg, VA.

This was after injuring myself training the year before for a 1/2 in Anchorage Alaska - Humpy's (love the name) Marathon. There's a restaurant in downtown Anchorage named Humpy's (it's a kind of salmon) and they sponsor the yearly race. Well I pulled my hamstring pretty goog - couldn't even crawl out of bed one day! So, the hills - Oh MY God are they big - in Alaska got to me. I took the rest of '07 off - moved across the country and started again once we got settled in Olde Virginny. There's some nice running clubs and I found the Blue and Gray 1/2 which seemed like a good time away (December 14) to get my training on. This time I learned to listen to my body and avoid lots of hill training early on. I do enjoy the hills, which is a good thing since there's lots where I live. Not like Alaska hills though!

So, I talked my neighbor into running that Blue and Gray with me. It was her first 1/2 as well. Now, she's trying to shame me into running the marine Corps Historic 1/2 in May. (I'm cheap - it's $60 to register!) But, she's just about got me convinced. I figure at this point if I run a 1/2 every 6 months that sort of counts for a whole marathon in one year. That's my story and I'm sticking to it - at least till my daughter enters Kindergarten and I have time to really train for a whole marathon at once.